Sunday, November 13, 2016

They're Hoarding Cooking Oil, So Report Them

My friend complained on Facebook that a store near her home somewhere in Puchong had run out of cooking oil.
She posted a photo of empty racks & shelves where bottles of cooking are usually placed.

Of course the rants started coming in her comment box.

How could this be happening?  Someone demanded an explanation.

The government should do something about it.

Okay. Her's the thing. It should not be happening. And yes the government - the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives & Consumers Ministry should do something, provided YOU report or complain to them so that they can send the enforcement team to that store or supermarket.

The store, mini market  or supermarket, you see, must be hoarding their supply.


In stores and minimarkets in my neighbourhood, there is NO problem of supply.

So, do your part.

Anyway...talking about complain -- well, here's something from SeaDemon explaining again to whiners what the issue of cooking oil increase is all about.

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